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Humayun Saeed Performs Umrah – Beautiful Pictures


Humayun Saeed, one of the biggest stars of the Pakistani entertainment industry, recently performed Umrah and took to Instagram to share his experience. He shared beautiful pictures of Masjid e Nabwi and Masjid ul Haram, and many of his fans expressed their joy at seeing him in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.

Humayun Saeed Performs Umrah - Beautiful Pictures

The journey that Humayun Saeed undertook to perform Umrah was a journey full of firsts for him. Not only did he take a spiritual journey, but he also documented his journey with pictures and shared his beautiful memories with his fans.

Humayun Saeed Performs Umrah - Beautiful Pictures

His pictures of Masjid e Nabwi and Masjid ul Haram are truly breathtaking and a source of excitement for his followers. The actor also spoke about his own religious journey. According to his Instagram post, he wrote:

“Alhamdulillah, Blessed Allah called me to His house again and I was able to perform Umrah. Prayed for all friends, family, and all of you, my extended family. May Allah bestow His mercy upon us all, may He shower His love upon us all, may He protect us and our Pakistan from all evils”.

Humayun Saeed after performing Umrah at Masjid ul Haram visiting Masjid e Nabwi (SAWW)

The pictures of Humayun Saeed performing Umrah at Makkah appeared in numerous news outlets and on social media. His fans and followers praised the actor for making such a spiritual journey. During his visit, the actor offered his prayers at the two holy mosques and sought blessings from the Almighty.

A beautiful click of Masjid ul Haram

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This is not the first time that Humayun Saeed has performed Umrah. He previously visited Makkah in 2019 and 2020 with his wife and shared his experiences on social media.

A beautiful click of Masjid Nawbi (SAWW)

The journey of Humayun Saeed to Umrah was an inspiring event for many of his followers. It is a reminder for all of us to take time out and visit these holy sites, especially in these uncertain times. He also reminded us of the importance of prayer and how it can help us in our daily lives.

We wish Humayun Saeed all the best in his future endeavors. May the Almighty grant him and his family all the blessings and happiness.

Humayun Saeed with his friends performing Umrah

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I am Mariam Javed, a writer of news, stories, and blogs. I have worked for many news portals, as well as for business publications. Currently, I am a content writer at Mag Pakistan.