Home » Showbiz News » Naimal Khawar Khan Looks Very Beautiful In Her Recent Pictures

Naimal Khawar Khan Looks Very Beautiful In Her Recent Pictures


Naimal Khawar Khan is a very beautiful and talented actress. She has worked in only one drama and did a movie with Mahira Khan. But she is one of those Pakistani celebrities who gained huge popularity among the people. But at the height of her career, she married well-known actor Hamza Ali Abbasi and said goodbye to the showbiz industry. After the marriage, she soon became the mother of a lovely son. Her son name is Mustafa Abbasi.

She has been in touch with her fans since she left Showbiz. She is very active on Instagram. Where she often shares photos of herself and her son.

On this Eid Ul Adha 2021, she has shared latest her pictures on Instagram. She is looking very beautiful and cute. Let’s have a look at her latest pictures below.

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آپ کو نیمل خاور کی یہ تصاویر کیسی لگی؟ اپنی رائے ہمارے فیس بک پیج کے کمنٹ سیکشن میں دیں۔

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