Home » Showbiz News » Aiman Khan Second Daughter Miral Date of Birth, Age, & Photos

Aiman Khan Second Daughter Miral Date of Birth, Age, & Photos


Aiman Khan, the well-known Pakistani actress, gave birth to her second daughter. She and her husband Muneeb Butt welcomed the news with great joy – now officially becoming a family of four with two beautiful daughters to raise.

Aiman Khan Second Daughter Miral Date of Birth, Age, & Photos

As the news of Aiman Khan being blessed with her second daughter spreads, well-wishes from all around the world are pouring in.

Aiman Khan Second Daughter Miral Date of Birth, Age, & Photos

The couple had chosen not to reveal their pregnancy until birth. And now, the moment has arrived – a baby girl has entered their lives, bringing immense joy and happiness to their family.

Muneeb Butt with his second daughter MIral

Muneeb Butt, the husband of Aiman Khan, shared the delightful news on his Instagram account. They came up with the name Miral Muneeb for their daughter. The little Miral was born at 3:04 AM on 7 August 2023.

Aiman and Muneeb with their frist daughter Amal Muneeb

Balancing work and family, Aiman and Muneeb are sure to shower their daughters with love, care, and attention. Amal Muneeb quickly rose to social media stardom shortly after her birth and is likely to receive equal adoration and love from fans of Aiman’s second daughter Miral as Amal did.

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