Home » Showbiz News » Nida and Yasir Spent the Weekend Cleaning up their Household

Nida and Yasir Spent the Weekend Cleaning up their Household


Nida and Yasir had a busy weekend! They spent their time tidying up the house and getting everything in order. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. Now their home is clean and organized, they can relax and enjoy their time off.

Nida and Yasir Spent the Weekend Cleaning up their Household

Nida Yasir is married to Yasir Nawaz since 2002, and the couple has three children together. As well as being a producer, director, screenwriter, actor, and former model, Yasir is also a screenwriter. In addition, Nida has earned a reputation throughout Pakistan as a host of a morning show.

Nida and Yasir Spent the Weekend Cleaning up their Household

It’s no secret that Nida Yasir and Yasir Nawaz love their home. They’re always talking about how they want to make it more comfortable and inviting for their friends and family. So, it’s no surprise that Nida and Yasir spent their weekend tidying up their house!

The host is cleaning the floor of her kitchen
Yasir cleaning a ceiling fan in the living room
The host is cleaning the floor of her kitchen

They started by decluttering their living room and getting rid of anything that they didn’t need. Then, they cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom. Finally, they vacuumed and dusted the entire house.

Nida and Yasir Spent the Weekend Cleaning up their Household

Nida and Yasir were very happy with the results of their hard work. They felt like they had really accomplished something and their house looked outstanding. They were also proud of themselves for being able to work together so well. It was a fun weekend and they were glad they had spent it doing something productive.

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I am Mariam Javed, a writer of news, stories, and blogs. I have worked for many news portals, as well as for business publications. Currently, I am a content writer at Mag Pakistan.