Home » Showbiz News » Alyana Falak Most Hilarious Pictures with her Mother and Father

Alyana Falak Most Hilarious Pictures with her Mother and Father


Alyana Falak is one of the cutest babies in the Pakistan showbiz industry. She is the daughter of Sarah Khan and Falak Shabir, who married in 2020. Their family is very famous in the Pakistani showbiz industry. Baby Alyana Falak was born to them on 8 October 2021.

Alyana Falak with her mother Sarah Khan

In preparation for Alyana’s birth, Sarah and Falak shopped in several malls. Besides preparing the cute room, they also prepared a little baby wardrobe filled with adorable little dresses to go with the cot cushions. It was a very exciting time for the couple.

Alyana Falak with her father Falak Shabir

When Alyana was born, everything changed and both mommy and daddy had to deal with household chores. As parents, they worked hard to raise their little girl.

Alyana Falak with her Aunt Noor Zafar Khan

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In a recent post, Falak Shabir shared some pictures of Alyana and Sarah together. Sarah went to change her daughter’s diaper and covered her face with her own shirt in one of the pictures that became very famous.

Alyana Falak with her parents
Sarah changes her daughter's diaper

Many people condemned her for this shameful act. Many people believe that this is the reality of motherhood, and you can do the same if your mother did it without feeling the slightest bit of shame or embarrassment.

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