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Hira Mani Makes a Copy of Kareena Kapoor and the Fans LOVE it!


Hira Mani is a famous Pakistani drama actress who also loves Kareena Kapoor. It is no secret that she is a fan of the Bollywood actress and has shared her love and respect for her. Throughout her social media accounts, she often discusses Kareena and her love for her.

Hira Mani Makes a Copy of Kareena Kapoor and the Fans love it!

Recently, Hira posted a video of herself doing yoga and working out. She is wearing a black sports dress that looks like those worn by Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor. She captioned the video with, “Have a Great Sunday”.

Hira Mani does yoga in the same outfit as Kareena Kapoor Khan
Kareena Kapoor Khan dressed for yoga
The actresss poses in her house while doing yoga

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It is great to see that Hira Mani is inspired by Kareena Kapoor and is working hard on her own fitness. We are sure that she will achieve her goals and become even more fit. Take a look at the video below!

Hira is not the only one who is a big fan of Kareena. There are many other Pakistani celebrities who love her as well. They all think that she is a great actress and a great human being.

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I am Mariam Javed, a writer of news, stories, and blogs. I have worked for many news portals, as well as for business publications. Currently, I am a content writer at Mag Pakistan.