Home » Videos » Zulqarnain and Kanwal Aftab Wedding Video Stunned Fans

Zulqarnain and Kanwal Aftab Wedding Video Stunned Fans

Zulqarnain Sikandar and Kanwal Aftab are both famous Pakistani Tiktokers who have gained fame because of their lip-synching videos. Following their wedding ceremonies, the couple’s popularity has grown considerably, and the media has given them positive coverage.

As many of you know, that couple was granted Nikkah last year and their wedding (Rukhsati) is currently taking place. A number of close friends and family members attended the wedding.

The bride’s dress is a stunning creation that not only captivated the hearts of our readers but also the YouTube community. Kanwal Aftab wore a red dress by Ali Xeeshan, whereas Sikandar paired his dress with his bride. They are looking adorable together and both look gorgeous!

Zulqarnain has uploaded his wedding video on his YouTube channel in which he and his wife were both celebrating their wedding together. His fans praise him for his sincere gesture. We’ve collected the most notable highlights of Kanwal Aftab and Zularnain Sikandar’s Rukhsati. Watch the video below!

Wedding Video of Kanwal Aftab
Wedding Video of Kanwal Aftab
Wedding Video of Kanwal Aftab
Wedding Video of Kanwal Aftab
Barat ( Alhamdulillah ) Zulqarnain & Kanwal wedding Vlog ( Part 1 )

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